Meet Nick Coneybear

We are delighted to welcome Nick Coneybear to the PEMCO family! Nick joins us as a risk assessor and trainer specialising in Fire Safety. 

We posed a few questions to Nick to help everyone get to know him better.


Why did you join PEMCO?

I’ve known Keith since 2011 when we attended a disability access course and I found him a very genuine and honest individual. We have friends/colleagues in common in the fire industry, so I’ve watched PEMCO grow into the force that it now is. While not looking to change jobs or move companies, when the opportunity arose to join PEMCO, I said YES!

What do you do at PEMCO?

My primary role is a risk assessor, something I’ve been carrying out since the introduction of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. I will carry out fire, legionella and general workplace assessments, and deliver fire safety training.

What is your background?

I began my career at Russellfire in 1994, where I started by servicing extinguishers. Later, I managed the workshop and stores and implemented the company’s ISO/BSI Quality Assurance System. In 2000, I joined Perkins Engines as a Fire Technician where I was in charge of managing sprinkler systems, on-site hot work permits, and red tag isolation systems. I trained staff and contractors to issue permits, carry out the hot watch roll, and handle local authority fire and rescue services. Additionally, I joined the works fire brigade and played an active role on-site during the fire-fighter strike in 2002. In 2005 I returned to Russellfire (now Churches Fire Security) as the Fire Safety Manager. In this role, I helped develop and deliver their fire safety training program. When the fire legislation changed, I played a key role in developing, implementing, and expanding the fire risk assessment business. Then in 2022, I joined Zeta Services, a small, dedicated team of risk assessors. In this role, I conducted risk assessments in a wide variety of companies.

What are your credentials?

I became a Technician of the Institute of Fire Engineers (TIFireE) in 2004. Then in 2006, I became an associate member of the Institute of Fire Safety Managers (IFSM), and in 2020 I became a full member (MIFSM) and a registered competent fire risk assessor (CFRAR-(Tier2)). In addition to CPD, I have gained a QNUK PTTLS Level 3 award in education and training, as well as a Level 3 award in Fire Risk Management and Safety. Outside of work, I have been actively involved in several committees, including the IFEDA committee, the IFSM committee, and The Peterborough & District Fire, Health & Safety Group. I have also been a speaker at local events such as Peterborough’s Chamber of Commerce and Business Focus meetings, as well as Axiom Housing's annual tenant conference.

What are the values that drive you?

Being honest with clients and telling them what they need to know, even if it’s something they won't want to hear.

What is something that people in health & safety have to deal with that you want to fix?

The term "health and safety" is often misused and disregarded or taken to the extreme. While it is a crucial matter, it must be implemented in a way that is understandable and practical; otherwise, it will be ignored. A split second is all it takes for a life to be changed forever, or gone, and therefore, health and safety must be applied properly, with adequate training for everyone involved and strictly enforced.

What inspires you?

A bright early morning, sitting in the garden with a cup of strong tea listening to the Blackbirds or Robins singing their hearts out, while the neighbourhood slumbers.

Do you have any hidden talents?

I like to fix things. Tools, equipment, broken stuff - I like to try to bring them back to life!

What do you enjoy doing when you're not working?

I'm interested in archaeology, particularly the time when modern humans moved into these islands we call home. I am at my happiest kneeling on the ground with a trowel in hand scrapping back another layer of our past. I plan to be excavating an English Civil War site this summer. I currently volunteer as a gardener at Sacrewell Farm, an agricultural educational charity, where I am also getting to grips with running the C18 watermill. I also teach Compulsory Basic Training (CBT) to people getting into the world of motorcycling.  

What are your top 3 books?

Top 3 serious books:

  • The Silk Roads by Peter Fankopan
  • Old London Bridge by Patricia Pierce
  • The Link (uncovering our earliest ancestor) by Colin Tudge

Top 3 not-so-serious books:

  • Anything by Lee Child
  • Anything by Terry Pratchett
  • Anything by Dick Francis

What are your top 3 TV shows?

  • The Big Bang Theory
  • Time Team
  • The Chase

What are your top 3 films?

  • The original Star Wars
  • Jaws 1
  • The original Nightmare on Elm Street